
Saturday, 28 July 2012


Step into the sunshine and smile your way,
forget all the memories and live your life,

Smell the fresh roses, pluck the white lilies,
Run through the wet grass and be carefree

That's ALL I could write... I dont know why but I can't complete this one poem though I've been trying for a while now.... And I actually wanted this one to be a real long, happy and good poem but could'nt make it one :( :'(


  1. Step into the sunshine and smile your way,
    forget all the memories and live your life,

    Smell the fresh roses, pluck the white lilies,
    Run through the wet grass and be carefree

    Walk Besides The River, Swim Through It,
    Watch The Birds Fly By, Live It All Through,

    Feel The Existence Of This Very Moment,
    Endow It Into Your Exquisite Creation,

    Feel The Happiness Of These Moments Of Time,
    These Sorrows Will End With This Last Rhyme.

    [Sucks But You Can't Expect Better Than This From Me]

    1. Noo... It's really awesome! great great great!!!

  2. Step into the sunshine and smile your way,
    forget all the memories and live your life,

    Smell the fresh roses, pluck the white lilies,
    Run through the wet grass and be carefree

    Don't worry too much, and just be cool,
    If you panic way too much, you would look like a fool.

    Open the windows, let the fresh air come in,
    Tear up all your bad memories and throw them in the bin.

    Be content with what you have, don't wish for more and more,
    Never be fake, just be Pure.

    {This aint much, but I thought I could contribute a little to you beautiful poem].

  3. Now that's something Sweet! My blogger friends helping me around with my writing, Thankyou boys! :)

  4. Somethings tend to say incomplete and magnify their beauty in it only.


Comments are welcome and appreciated! :)